Solomon Islands Demonstrations

News & Reviews

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Solomon Islands Demonstrations

Warren Lucas & Ian Schulz from Lucas Mill Australia will be attending

Warren Lucas & Ian Schulz from Lucas Mill Australia together with our Solomon Islands distributor Farmset Ltd will be holding demonstration/training days.

There are two of these Demo/training days organised. One in Honiara and one in West Gizo please see below details for these events

Demo date: Tuesday 30th May 2017

Venue:  Farmset Limited, Price Philip Highway, Honiara.

Contact Person: Lolito Ceredon

Contact #: 30327 or 7636 309


Demo date: Thursday 1st June 2017

Venue:  Jituzavanga village, West Gizo, Western Province.

Contact Person: Marlon Kuve

Contact #: 7491739 or 60912

Author: admin
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