Lucas Mill are pleased to announce that Bailey’s has been re-instated as our exclusive Lucas Mill distributor for USA, Canada and Mexico.

Bailey’s will provide Lucas Mill with an increased show / field day presence across USA. They also have created an industrial division, which will provide a more traditional sales and service for our Lucas Mill customers as opposed to their catalog internet based business model.
Bailey’s Industrial has a two pronged marketing approach, selling direct through regional locations (West Coast of North America) and selling through dealers (Midwest and East Coast of North America). So far, they have two locations on the west coast (Woodland, Ca - primary distribution location, and Centralia, Wa), with plans to expand in the future.
Bailey’s contact details
1222 Commerce Ave, Suite D
Woodland, CA, 957765, USA
Phone 888 465 8227 (GO LUCAS)
Lucas Mill wish Bailey’s all the best in their distributorship.